Locksmith services in Brussels
Locked out ? You need a locksmith in Brussels in emergency ?
SOS EXPRESS Locksmith Brussels Specialist for fixing and opening blocked doors, broken lock, in troubleshooting, installing locks, installation or change lock, replacement cylinders and door openings.
Our locksmiths operate for door openings in bruxelles, ixelles, auderghem, forest, uccle, tervueren, overijse, zaventem, waterloo, wavre, wolwué saint lambert, schaerbeek, evere, watermael-boitsfort, kraainem, londerzeel, wemmel, dilbeek, anderlecht, brussels downtown, all multi point locks, installing locks, shielding door, lock change, etc..
24h Emergency Locksmith in Brussels
Our locksmiths from Brussels perform for you all types of opening doors, access control and door units.
Quick craftsmanship and competitive.
We work 24h/24h and 7/7, we ask all brands of locks (eg muel lock fichet or cowhide).
We also have a quick breakdown service (30 minutes) to open your door in brussels, or to perform any repair.
SOS EXPRESS operates in record time to solve all your problems related to locksmith in Brussels, Auderghem, Ixelles, Uccle, Schaerbeek, Saint-Gilles, Jette, Watermael Boitsfort, Anderlecht, Etterbeek, Haren, Laeken, Neder-Over-Heembeek, Berchem-Sainte-Agathe,Woluwe-Saint-Lambert-Pierre, Ganshoren, Zaventem, Forest, Evere, Molenbeek, Jette, Dilbeek, Vilvorde.

What a locksmith can it help you ?
early intervention and without delay for urgent repair on your premises, housing, housing.
repair of blinds, doors, …
Installation of armored doors or door units.
installation or change the lock.
SOS EXPRESS come over as a locksmith in brussels in case of loss or theft of keys for the installation of security locks or replacing locks and the time for a door opening.
“Opening Doors to all makes and identical replacement.” “The seriousness, competence, speed.” The security of your property and your family is paramount to you.

Phone : 0493 50 50 50
Fax : 02 511 11 52
Email: contact@sosexpress.eu